
Eli Lilly: Affordability of Insulin for Diabetes Has Greatly Improved

     “We constantly have to innovate, and we cannot rest on last year’s medical advances,” stated Miles, who presented the topic, “Lilly Diabetes Solution Center and the NNPA: Vital Roles in Partnership that Serve African American Comm-unities Around the Nation.” “With Magic Johnson, people thought when he made the announcement that he had HIV that he would die. It’s 30 years later, and he’s still here because people kept investing, and now you can see the difference,” Miles stated. […]

National News

Congressional Black Caucus Detail Upcoming CBC 2020 National Black Leadership Summit

   The Congressional Black Caucus is now 55 members, the largest CBC in history and the largest Caucus in Congress.

     “We have suffered through the last three years of this administration where we have watched gains that we have made over the last several decades either at risk or an attempt to dismantle.  That is why the year 2020 is extremely important. I’m proud of the work of the CBC,” said Rep. Karen Bass (D-CA) who is the current Chair of the Congressional Black Caucus. […]

Local News

The 15th Amendment Was Ratified 150 Years Ago, but  the  Fight to Protect Black Voters Continues

     On February 3, 1870 — 150 years ago today — African American men were given the right to vote with the ratification of the 15th Amendment, which declared that the “right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude.” This major milestone would appear to have empowered Black men by implying their voices mattered in this American democracy. […]