
It will cost to #BringItHome and we all have to be willing to pay votes and voting costs

     I wrote an article entitled “I don’t know about you but my vote will cost”. I bring up this point because, so many times people equate elections with money, and I want the candidates to understand that they have A PRICE to pay also.  Even candidates who are caught up in the world-wind victories of others, they are responsible and have a price to pay, too. […]


I have a felony conviction. Can I vote?

While many states have some restriction on felon voting rights, most states restore the right to vote to people after they complete their sentences. In fact, up to 17 million Americans with past convictions can vote right now – they just don’t know it – because the felony disenfranchisement laws in every state can be confusing. […]


Getting Out the Vote: Restoration of Rights; “Yes” on Amendment 4

Correcting a wrong or getting a second chance to make better is the embodiment of the spirit of redemption—and Amendment 4. One definition of redemption describes the improving of something: “The act of saving something or somebody from a declined, dilapidated, or corrupt state and restoring it, him, or her to a better condition.” Restoring the voting rights of approximately 1.7 million ex-offenders is a significant step in bettering their conditions. […]