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Zoonoses and Climate Change: Is One Health Enough?

    Zoonotic diseases or zoonoses are animal infections that people can catch. Viruses, bacteria, parasites, and fungi transmitted by animals to other animals like pets, and people, can produce mild to serious illnesses. Scientists estimate that about two-thirds of known infectious diseases and three-quarters of new or emerging infectious diseases in humans are traceable to animals. Direct or indirect contact, and food, water or vector-borne absorption are the main pathways. […]


President Biden Not Deterred By Reverence of Bipartisanship

     President Biden has clearly demonstrated that his first 100, days in Office will be very productive. Thus far, he has signed 28, Executive Orders, four (4) substantive proclamations, and initiated a wide range of other administrative actions. Most importantly, his commitment to save the Soul of America and to remain engaged with the people will not be deterred by anyone and certainly not by his reverence of bipartisanship. […]