
White Male Fantasies

   White males in both the Republican and Democratic political parties are holding on to their dreams about elected officials that will perpetuate and maintain their divisional, nationalistic and supremacist approaches in governmental administration. […]


Trump, Fugitive From Reality

      Former President Trump throughout his life has clearly demonstrated to America that, in fact, he’s always been a fugitive from reality. Remember, he wanted everyone to believe that with only two million dollars, given by his father, he amasked all his wealth on his own. This was a complete lie. He inherited well over $450 million from his father. Further, well before he was elected president, he promised to release his income tax records once his audit was completed. Not surprisingly, we’ve learned that he’s been and remains a fugitive from paying his fair share of federal income taxes. However, his refusal to pay taxes, even if legal, hasn’t caused the death of anyone. […]


The brat

       Donald Trump is a spoiled brat. His election to the highest office in the land will forever be a stain, a blotch, an embarrassment. He proves it fresh every day. He’s a child. […]