
Sounding Increasingly Desperate, Trump Attacks Black Congresswoman at Minnesota Rally

     The day after a debate he was roundly criticized for, Trump went to an old stand by: Attacking African American women in positions of leadership. During a rally in Minnesota on September 30, Trump said, “What is going on with Omar? I have been reading these re-ports for two years about how corrupt and crooked she is. Let us get with it. Let us get with it.” […]


Genetics, Diagnosis, Treatment:  NIH Takes on Sickle Cell Disease Globally

     Sickle cell disease affects 20 million people worldwide, including at least 100,000 in the United States, mainly African Americans, but Hispanics and Asian-Americans, too. To help address the problem on a global scale, the NHLBI has been supporting programs in sub-Saharan Africa, where more than 75 percent of the sickle cell disease births worldwide occur. SPARCo, with a hub in Tanzania, and additional sites in Nigeria and Ghana, works to develop an infrastructure for sickle cell disease research, health care, education, and training to take place in Africa. […]


President Karen

     “Karen” is defined on dictionary.com as “a pejorative slang term for an obnoxious, angry, entitled, and often racist middle-aged white woman who uses her privilege to get her way or police other people’s behaviors.” […]


Trump Unmasked

     Of course, being sidelined doesn’t mean Trump will cease making trouble.  His Supreme Court nomination will go forward, his unmasked crowds will remain adoring, his vice president and attorney general will display their usual unfailing loyalty, his chief of staff will pooh-pooh the infection, and the tweets will keep coming as evidence that Trump is still vigorous, alert, and in charge.  Be prepared for Trump to say, “see, it’s just like the flu.” […]


Open Letter to the Westside Gazette

The Westside Gazette, “Deeply Rooted” issues, August 27 – September 2, 2020,  is very interesting. We must continue to encourage and motivate women to follow dreams not only from the outhouse on plantation, but throughout the nation in pursuit of careers. Behind every man there is a great woman and “injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere”. Keep up the work! […]