
 America’s White Privileged Justice System and Society

 America’s justice system has historically proven to be extremely partial towards wealthy white people and  positively skewed for ordinary whites. It wasn’t by happenstance that a white privileged justice system and society were created. No, it’s chiseled  into the cornerstones as well as the  pillars of our democracy. The  Merriam Webster Dictionary defines white Privilege as:  “the set of social and economic advantages that white people have by virtue of their race.” […]


Afghanistan’s Withdrawal Sham Investigation

  The Afghanistan’s War officially ended on August 30, 2021, as President Biden promised. However, the  war was a failure and the withdrawal  marred. The killing of thirteen soldiers and injuring of  dozens of others during the withdrawals by a suicide bomber was without question a horrific incident. Such an attack could have only possibly been prevented by undressing or searching every Afghan in an around the exit point, which would’ve caused a Civil War. […]


Historic Transaction Buried in Bureaucracy

     The research is copious and hard to refute that minority media ownership is dismally low and discrimination is prevalent and persistent in the media industry. Women and people of color who decide to make media their careers have fewer opportunities than their male or white peers. This lack of diversity and opportunity needs to change. A proposed transaction awaiting the Federal Communication Commission’s (FCC) approval for close to a year will significantly advance diversity and minority capacity in the media industry. […]