
Racial Veracity

     He-Said: Sarah, last week I witnessed untarnished “Racial-Veracity.” I went to my favorite coffee shop and I ran into my conversational partner. John is an older White gentleman in his late 80’s. Typically we have light banal chatter. Last Monday, I baited him with a question to see his real racial character. Keep in mind you can structure a response in a poll by how the question is framed. I asked him with an indignant tone “What happened with the Black lady getting a seat on the court? John, we have only had 114 justices and only 4 have been women and 2 Black men. Everyone knows that this position has always been for White men!” […]


Republican Party Pursues  Democracy’s Apocalypse

  As strange as it may seem, the Republican Party seems to have ingested the allegorical substance of the biblical Book of Revelation and are willing to subject America’s democracy to an apocalypse if necessary to gain complete dominance. One of the Founding Fathers’ greatest fears of democracy was that its people and governmental officials could become corrupted, oppressive, and capable of engineering democracy’s apocalypse. […]


“The Republican Party is Pathetic”

      The Republican Party is pathetic, totally discredited, and worthless in every respect. The complete contempt that the average corrupt conservative crackpot politician has these days for our democratic republic is cringeworthy. Right-wing GOP politicians clearly prefer Putin’s Russia, and some are stupid enough to say so openly. Lock them up! https://www.nytimes.com/2022/04/07/briefing/republican-party-putin-wing.html […]


Antidotes to Murder: A Novel Approach

   An antidote to murder utilizing a novel approach based on a hypothetical model which resembles the scientific approach used to develop drugs or vaccines sounds intriguing. Let’s assume that society constitutes the laboratory. And the hypothesis reads, “Antidotes Can Be developed to Reduce Specific Types of Murders.” For added clarity and to strategically focus on specific antidotes, murders have  been classified into the  following categories: 1) domestic; 2) gang related; 3) criminal related; and 4) racial (racism) related. […]


FDA — Smoking While Black and Brown in America

Our experiences inform us that the implementation of a menthol ban will inevitably and undoubtedly create an increased number of stops, frisks, and interactions between law enforcement and members from Black and Brown communities. According to the Prison Policy Initiative, Black and Brown residents in the U.S. continue to have a long and troubled legacy of disproportionately larger numbers of police stops and interactions with the police. The proposed menthol ban will do nothing to quell this troubling reality. […]


Black No More

     It is worth noting that recounting the horrors of slavery, remembering heroes of the civil rights movement, along with a few 19th and 20th century inventors, athletes, and entertainers, in no way sufficiently pays proper tribute to the totality of our past. Only by passing down our complete stories and sharing the fullness of our heritage do we properly honor our ancestors and history, a history that long predates the 17th century in North, South and Central America and the Caribbean. We were Africans long before becoming New Yorkers, Jamaicans, Brazilians, Haitians, Cubans, or Puerto Ricans. […]