Piney Grove Boys Academy Dedication Ceremony
Piney Grove Boys Academy Dedication Ceremony
Piney Grove Boys Academy Dedication Ceremony
South Florida honors an American hero -Tuskegee Airman Lt. Colonel Eldridge Williams, on his 96th birthday […]
Miami’s District 5 election could be tainted by low turnout
Broward joins 100,000 Homes Campaign to track the chronic homeless
How can you tell when you’re getting older
Black disrespect in suburbia
Sports and politics reflect the politics of political deception
Enterprise Florida’s President paid $230,000 and $70,000 bonus
Democrats have failed to explain to the public that the misnamed programs are valuable and prevent millions of Americans, many of them elderly or children, from living in poverty. […]
These laws are about suppressing likely Democratic votes. They are about racism and racist attitudes. […]
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