The Westside Gazette

2020 Eection Results Already Look Like Fool’s Gold

Technically Speaking

By Perry Busby

      Last week the US House of Representatives passed a resolution to open an impeachment inquiry against President Donald Trump. The resolution, which passed primarily along party lines, came after several witnesses from the State department and national security and intelligence agencies came forward with testimonies regarding the White House’s recent actions toward Ukraine, a NATO ally, by withholding Congressional approved funds to aide Ukraine in their defense against Russian aggression.

With 52% of Americans supporting impeachment, the chances of the inquiry evolving into an impeachment hearing in the Senate is highly probable. However, the chances of President Trump being impeached is highly improbable. By all indications, the GOP-controlled Senate will not have the required 67 votes for impeachment. This is due in part for two reasons: Republican lawmakers fear being the next victim in one of President Trump’s Twitter attacks; and they’re afraid of losing their seat in a primary race. Additionally, there are a few Senate Democrats in Republican dominated states who may vote with Re-publicans if impeachment seems unlikely.

Whether you’re following every twist and turn of this political drama, or you’re re-pulsed by the lack of decorum and character on display by so-called leaders, one thing is certain, it has distracted us from fixing the one problem security and intelligence officials have repeatedly warned about: cyberattacks on our vulnerable and antiquated election system.

We are less than a year away from the next general election and little, if any, has been done to protect our votes. For their part, activists and grassroots organizers have worked diligently to register voters and challenge suppressive laws in courts. However, those efforts could potentially prove futile if we allow elections to proceed as usual.

Consider this:

Pretty disturbing, right?   ow, tell me, how willing are you to trust the next elec-tion results?

Let me know what you think. Email me at As always stay tuned to the Westside Gazette for more information about your vote.

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