
It Has Never Been Like This in America Before

     Not only will Americans not be able to pay their rent, but they will not be able to pay their car note, their insurance, and buy food. The millionaire Republicans thinks that many citizens in America are looking for a handout, and they are angry. Again, it has never been like this in America before, and 1 in every 7 Americans in the labor force can’t find work, according to “Move On.”  […]


Blacks insulted by Wilson’s boyhood home

   The boyhood home of President Woodrow Wilson in Augusta, Georgia promotes a racist heritage.  It was here from 1860 to 1870 where Wilson began learning to despise Blacks. Later, in 1877 Wilson witnessed the end of Black liberation known as Reconstruction. Both events would explain Wilson’s contempt for Black federal employees. […]


Letter to Editor

      WAS THE $1,200 STIMULUS ENOUGH TO PAY FOR YOUR RENT, UTILITIES, FOOD, TRANSPORTATION, AND PHONE BILL? If no, please just say plain no; do not cuss (LOL). TRUMP and his three wives, Mitch McConnell and his two wives, Linsey Graham, Thom Tillis, David Rozier, and all other elected members of congress are paid over $200,000 a year. How many of them do you think gave their $1,200 to a poor person or family?  Again, please just answer. No descriptive adjectives for our public servants (LOL). […]


Counseling Helps in Adapting to a New Norm

     The reality is, many needs, and will need for years following, mental health treatment to overcome the threats and dangers experienced during the first quarter of 2020. A year that promised so much for so many. A new decade touting hopes of financial security, achieved goals, hearty relationships, and monumental gains. A year that showed us in a span of less than 90 days that we can control very little outside of our response to experiences. That response is what dictates how people move through challenging and critical times. Positive responses are full of optimism and hope with an understanding that challenges are but a bar to jump over even if it is incrementally raised to challenge us. […]


Past Due Time for American Healthcare System to Protect Black Americans

     Because of the systematic racism that is rooted in our nation, racial disparities in American healthcare have caused illness, injury, and death in minority communities across the country. Black Americans suffer the most at the hands of the American healthcare system. Now, we are seeing COVID-19 shine a much-needed light on the harsh reality that has been plaguing an entire race for centuries. […]


Not Your Average Joes

     When it comes to two Houston-based doctors – Dr. Joseph Gathe, Jr. and Dr. Joseph Varon – referring to them as “average Joes” should be considered a huge slap in the face, because when it comes to these two gentlemen, they’re not your “average Joes” by any stretch of the imagination. […]