Heroes of Broward
Since the inception of modern media, certain narratives have consistently been promoted and only a handful of individuals receive positive recognition publicly. Our mission is to correct this imbalance and give the little guy and gal an opportunity to express themselves. We are determined to give those who deserve a platform an opportunity to control their narrative and share their story.
“As a kid some of our favorite memories take place at a professional or college sporting events. The emotional rush of a touchdown or a game winning basket by your favorite team is something that a kid can re-member forever. Therefore, Ari and I decided to create our charity Sunshine Gameday to give every kid this opportunity. We are an organization that takes underprivileged kids to sporting events through the means of donations. Our organization was started in South Florida a-round September of 2017, and we have had nearly a dozen events and taken roughly hundreds of kids to games since then. Some games that we have attended include Miami Dolphins, Miami Heat and Miami Hurricanes games. We under-stand that we can make a difference by brightening these kids’ lives even if it is for the day. Our main goal of this charity is to help make every single disadvantaged child happier. If we are able to that then we have truly completed our goal.”