By Nicole Nutting & Don Valentine
She said: Oh, the karma it burns! Don, do you remember how Trump has been obsessively angling for a Nobel Peace Prize? He can’t even spell it (he wants a “Noble” prize). He’s been willing to bribe people to nominate him based on his mucking around in Middle East affairs.
In a delightful twist, The Guardian is reporting that the Black Lives Matter movement has been nominated for the prize! I see this as a two-pronged accomplishment:
#1–It would put B.L.M. in the same vaunted company as Nelson Mandela and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., an award for inspiring equality around the world.
#2–This nomination has to be pissing off our racist ex-president BIGLY!
He said: What is really annoying to Trump is that he maneuvered to get a nomination and was denied. Then history shows that President Obama was given the Nobel Peace award! That had to sting since he could not pull it off.
It would be great for the world to acknowledge and encourage American continued repair of systematic racism. I pray that this will enhance the progress to heal the country from the original sin. Nicole, let me say thank you White people for giving my Black people free transportation to the U.S. Then being so kind to give us work!
She said: LOL! I have a better idea. How about if we give Trump free transportation to a federal lock-up? Also, his compatriots that paraded the confederate flag through the halls of our Capitol. A giant smack-down of this retarded thinking is way overdue. Guess what, you ignorant traitors–YOU AIN’T ALL THAT.