The Westside Gazette

Blue Eyed Blues star Ricki Lee Jones

Blue Eyed Blues star Ricki Lee Jones

By Don Valentine

This two time Grammy award winning blues vocalist recently visited Fort Lauderdale. She played the Parker Playhouse on Federal Highway, just south of Sunrise Blvd. If you ever get a chance to experience a performance at the Parker Play house you will agree with me that the ambiance is intimate and phenomenal.

She won her first Grammy for her renowned smash Jazz hit Chuckie’s In Love. We had to wait almost to the middle of the set for her rendition of that neoclassic genius. Then she received the accolades from the audience with her second most popular Smooth Jazz song Is that for Real.

It should be noted that she received her second Grammy award for a collaboration with blues veteran Dr. John. Rumors have it that this relationship turned amorous. Hence her relocation to New Orleans. That gossip notwithstanding, the name of the song that won her second Grammy should let you draw your own conclusion, Making Whoopee. At 61-years-old, her voice is still vibrant.

One enthusiastic member in the audience shouted it out best, Girl You Still Got It. If you could have been in the audience at the Parker Playhouse to hear her new song Jimmy Choos you would agree. She still has the gift, of Blue Eyed Blues!

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