The Westside Gazette

Broward County Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta, Sorority, Inc. presents The 2024 Annual Dazzling Diamonds Debutante Cotillion

Submitted by Yolanda Nails

      The Broward County Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated, in partnership with the Delta Education and Life Development Foundation, Incorporated, proudly hosted the 24th Annual Dazzling Diamonds Cotillion on Sunday, April 21, 2024. This prestigious event took place at the Fort Lauderdale Marriott North, drawing a crowd of over 200 attendees to celebrate the introduction of 11 outstanding debutantes into society.

The Dazzling Diamonds Cotillion celebrates young women’s transition to maturity and is a significant event that underscores Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated’s commitment to community service and educational excellence. This year, the event awarded over $35,000 in scholarships to deserving debutantes for their educational pursuits. The evening was filled with elegance and poise as each debutante was presented before an enthusiastic audience of family, friends, and community leaders.

Local artists entertained guests with performances and heartfelt speeches, each highlighting the debutantes’ hard work, dedication, and future endeavors.

“The Dazzling Diamonds Cotillion is a cornerstone event for us, encapsulating our mission to mentor young women and support their educational journeys,” said Chapter President Damita Salters. Roselyn Honyghan, Cotillion Chair, echoed similar sentiments: “We are immensely proud of this year’s debutantes and grateful to all our sponsors and community members who supported our vision.”

The Broward County Alumnae Chapter extends heartfelt thanks to all who participated and contributed to making this event a resounding success. Plans are already underway for next year’s cotillion, with the hopes of continuing to support and celebrate young women in the Broward County community. If you are interested in participating in next year’s Dazzling Diamonds Cotillion or our youth mentoring programs, you can register by visiting

For additional information about participating in and supporting our chapter’s initiatives, please visit our website at


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