The Westside Gazette

Come together 

Come together 

By Nicole Nutting and Don Valentine

        She said: Sore loser King Trump has shown us something with his attempts to overthrow the election results. Clearly, our American two-party political system has devolved into the Democratic Party versus the Authoritarian Party. Small wonder that rampant inequality exists when the rich entitled minority has power over the rest of us. From violence against Blacks to discrimination against LGBTQ to keeping women in a state of chattel, these are all symptoms of the same problem. White supremacy is poisoning us.

       He said: Nicole, what is frustrating for me is the lack of progress in the racial integration in our nation! Progress has been made in segments. Yet we still keep reading stories of racial injustice.  The USA Today ran an article last Thursday about another incident.  A federal judge in Seattle ruled for contempt on discharging pepper spray on a peaceful march. It was a Black Lives Matter march on another aggressive murder by the police on a Black man.

She said: No doubt about it, the system is rigged in favor of White Christian heterosexual males, but those self-important elites are out-numbered. The rest of us can stir up “good trouble” when we join forces. Remember the slogans of yesteryear, like “power to the people”? Activism does force change.

       He said:  The positive thing is racial activism is still ascending!  Did you know that “Ben & Jerry’s” ice cream is promoting a flavor to accentuate positivity.  The football player Colin Kapernick is the spokesperson. The flavor has chocolate chip cookies, vanilla ice cream and caramel swirls. How precious is that gesture to spark some awareness!



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