The Westside Gazette

Continue job search during the holidays

WorkForce One

Continue job search during the holidays

Broward Workforce Development Board and WorkForce One Employment Solutions Offer Tips for Job Search Strategies During the Holiday Season

Submitted by Thomas Pennavaria

     FORT LAUDERDALE, FL  – The holiday season usually offers time for thoughts about family and future as we celebrate and begin a new year. For people who are unemployed or are concerned about company downsizing, the season can be filled with great uncertainty. The Broward Workforce Development Board and WorkForce One Employment Solutions want people who are challenged by unemployment or facing an uncertain future to understand that training and employment opportunities can be found during the season – even in this tough economy.

    “We strongly encourage people to continue their job search efforts through the holiday season, especially with the high levels of unemployment we’ve seen in the past couple of years,” said Mason C. Jackson, President/CEO of WorkForce One. “We know being unemployed is difficult no matter the time of year – but especially during the holidays. It’s important for people not to give up looking for employment during the holidays. WorkForce One has three Centers for job seekers to use on extended hours (see for times and places) and, of course, the state’s automated job matching system Employ Florida Marketplace is available 24/7 at”

    The following are some guidelines to help job seekers continue their search activities:

    1. Some businesses hire part-time to fill positions created by holiday vacations or to meet year-end demand from customers. Part-time work is better than no work at all. Part-time work adds to your unemployment credits and is an excellent way to show your talents to a prospective employer. Because of the complexity of hiring full-time personnel, some companies hire part-time employees to evaluate how a person fits in and meets their expectations.

    2. Don’t put off applying for full-time work during the holidays – and make sure you’re using ALL available tools. Companies operating on a calendar year budget will make decisions about personnel and there is always turnover – no matter what time of year. Make sure your application and resume are there for employers when they consider hiring new people and be sure to incorporate social media in your search efforts by following companies on Twitter and becoming a fan on Facebook. We offer classes in our Centers on in-depth ways of incorporating social media.

    3. Exploit the season by attending parties or gatherings and networking yourself with people who might know of job openings. Many times your best source for job openings is friends and acquaintances with insider knowledge about good jobs currently open or companies will post in the future. While it’s difficult to admit being unemployed to friends and family, these people are essential to your personal marketing network. They will keep their eyes open for potential opportunities for you.

    4. Don’t complicate your situation by overspending during the holidays. Try to avoid debt and cut expenses. Renew your relationship with family and friends. Many wealthy, successful people look back to tight financial times, when they were forced to focus on friendship, as some of the best, most meaningful moments in their lives.

    5. Seek help from Work-Force One for job counseling and financial assistance. You paid for these services through taxes and payroll deductions and they should be viewed like any insurance program you might use in times of emergency. Use the programs that provide financial help to meet your basic needs while you explore the services available to you through job training to package or improve your skills to locate a new job. You have access to these services at no cost to you. (Eligibility requirements apply.)

    6. Understand that job loss, unemployment and job seeking are stressful situations. Acknowledge this fact and understand that you are not alone. Many people are experiencing this same situation or have gone through periods of job seeking. There is some truth to the statement that the hardest job of all is finding a good job. Avoid bad habits – don’t get into drugs or alcohol. Get your-self in shape, focus on your health and enjoy the extra time you have to do things for your family. Keep a positive attitude. Today’s new education and training opportunity can become tomorrow’s job.

    7. Get organized. Write and design a new resume. Customize a few resumes to highlight specific career tracks where you have solid skills. Be methodical about your job search. WorkForce One has excellent resume writing software and can provide you with helpful tips and suggestions to make sure you are approaching your job search in a professional, effective and efficient manner. Post your resume online. Use our Resource Rooms. Again, for unemployed or dislocated workers there is no cost for WorkForce One’s job search services.

    8. Decrease tension at home. Money issues and employment problems rate highly on the stress scale. If you have a friend or family member who is unemployed, be supportive and helpful. Now is not the time to be argumentative or to blame someone or yourself for your situation. Kindness, sympathy and compassion for people who are going through a temporary period of unemployment will be rewarded when your significant other lands that good job. Sooner than you think people will be complaining about all the time you’re spending at work.

    9. Be positive and be patient. Bringing a positive attitude to your job search and interviews will help you be successful. Patience goes a long way too – understand that it takes time for your resume and cover letter to be routed to the appropriate person or department. Be courteous and understanding when you follow up with potential employers – your attitude on the phone may be the deciding factor in getting an interview or job offer. “Thank You’s” go a long way both before and after the interview.

    10. Use the staffing agencies. More and more employers are using “contingent workers,” especially during time of economic recovery and uncertainty. Employers often use temporary help agencies as recruitment and screening strategies. These jobs often turn into full time, regular employment and even if they don’t, the experience can yield another positive employer recommendation. WorkForce One also provides linkages with the staffing industry.

    WorkForce One has three centers to help you find the services you need to get and keep a job. Call (954) 677-5555 today if you are looking for employment. If you are a business, we can help you find the right employee at no cost to you. For additional information about listing your job opening with WorkForce One, please contact the Jobs Hotline at (954) 677-JOBS (5427).


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