The Westside Gazette

Democrat’s Political Dilemma

John Johnson

By John Johnson II

      The dream of both political parties is to control the Presidency, House, and Senate; thus, establishing a political trifecta. The 2020, Presidential Election ended the Republicans political trifecta and handed it to the democratic party. Newly elected President Biden laid out a bold agenda called “The build Back Better Plan.” But unlike the Republican’s iron clad solidarity governance posture, the Democratic party remains plagued with divisive strategies and moles masquerading as conservative. Consequently, there lies Democrat’s political dilemma.

Senators Manchin and Sinema, masquerading as two conservative democrats, while functioning as moles, appear bent on behaving as Kamikaze pilots to thwart Biden’s bold initiatives. But why would these two Senators commit to preventing the President from delivering on his major promises to voters?

Could it be Senator Manchin merely wants to illuminate his non progressive record for the red state of West Virginia? And Senator Sinema is only interested in nonsensically validating where she is physically standing at any given moment. However, her disingenuous comments and smiles may only be meant to shield her true cynical motives. Her vote against raising the $15 minimum wage spoke loudly about how she felt about working families.

However, both of these Senators may have over played their hands by thinking that members of their party as well as voters are naive to their tacit support of Republican’s white supremacy ideology.

Let’s just unearth what might be a mutant strain of radical conservatism these Senators may have contracted. If so, it has rendered them unable to accept this government spending 3.5 trillion. This money would provide help for all Americans, especially underserved working mothers, Black and Brown people

In so many words and ways Senator Manchin has repeatedly revealed his true motives by saying, “We’ve got to slow down, hit the pause button on $3.5 trillion, and protecting voters’ rights shouldn’t be partisan.” Yet, Senator Manchin doesn’t find fault with spending over $200,000, to purchase a luxury yacht.

If Senators Manchin and Sinema prevail in causing failure of the President’s agenda, voters can conclude that neither political party is worthy of voters’ trust. Regrettably, the Democratic Party will have demonstrated its inability and unwillingness to coalesce and govern America as a Republic.

But with renewed hope, the American people are protesting and demonstrating to overturn the antidemocratic legislation and tyrannical schemes of Republicans. Also, it’s all to fitting that President Biden refuses to allow Democrat’s political dilemma, to prevent him from delivering on his promises to the American people.


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