The Westside Gazette

Donald Trump Tests Positive for Covid-19: So, Why the Ambivalence?

By Olivia A. Jackson, PhD
Associate Professor,
Florida Memorial University, Law and Government program


Waking up Friday morning, October 2, to news that Donald Trump and his wife Melania tested positive for Covid-19 was an ambivalent moment for me. On the one hand I was a bit shocked to hear that our president finally gets to experience to some degree what others have encountered, but on the other hand, I found myself struggling with my good Christian upbringing compelling me to wish the Trumps a speedy recovery. Well, I do…. Now there, I said it.

Now, let’s get back to Trump experiencing what over 7 million US inhabitants (and over 205,000 families that have lost love ones) and over 34 million worldwide have known—that everyone is susceptible to contracting this disease. The difference, however, is that not everyone has the elite health care resources to ensure a greater chance of survival as Trump and other heads of state (Britain’s prime minister Boris Johnson and Brazil’s president Jair Bolsonaro) who also minimized this virus’ impact but ended up contracting the disease themselves. And though Britain’s Johnson seemed to have a change of heart since his health scare, showing a deeper respect for the severity of this disease, Bolsonaro continues with his “strong man” authoritarian rhetoric while continuing to emphasizing economics over society’s health and general welfare.

If I had to wager, after our president’s recuperation (yes, I still am wishing for his recovery as I continue on my own personal journey of forgiveness) I foresee his behavior will be more akin to Bolsonaro’s. Let’s face it, over the years Trump has already shown who he is, especially when faced with a crisis. He does not appear to have the capacity for rational thinking, empathy, truthfulness and selflessness required of a leader. Simply put, a reformed Trump is even more unlikely as we approach election day, especially when it comes to his policy initiatives.

The president is essentially obsessed with winning at all costs even if it means putting America in harm’s way by continuing to push for a speedy economic reopening and a speedy Supreme Court nomination (just days before the election), despite his and the GOP’s hypocrisy when condemning Obama who had the opportunity to do the same but with 11 months prior to an election. Let the people decide by waiting until after the election they said, but clearly that logic does not apply today. In fact, I foresee Trump’s post-Covid-19 recovery rhetoric to be more along the lines of: See, I told you…This is just like any other regular flu. Now we need to get back to opening our economy, our businesses, our schools…because that’s what the American people want. Besides, there are more people dying from being at home than being at work. And as for wearing masks, well….it is what it is… (shrug of shoulders,…scene, and cut…)

So yes, let us wish the Trumps a speedy recovery. Though doubtful, I pray that our president will finally be encouraged to strike a balance between health policy and economic policy so that America reopens safely while minimizing further Covid-19 infections, economic closings, and loss of lives. And finally I pray that during his recuperation, he also discovers a moral compass that leads to a cessation of his divisive and racially insensitive rhetoric, countless obfuscations, and outright lies. That, my dear readers, is my prayer for our president, and more importantly, for America.

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