The Westside Gazette

Drake Sworn named Fire Captain by City of Pompano Beach Fire Rescue

Drake Sworn named Fire Captain by City of Pompano Beach Fire Rescue

Sworn has been with the City of Pompano Beach Fire Department since 1985.

By Charles Moseley

      As part of a reorganization effort by the City of Pompano Beach Fire Department, long time fire fighter Drake Sworn was recently named Fire Captain of Fire & Rescue.

“In the latest Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) signed between the City of Pompano Beach and the Local 1549 Pompano Beach Firefighters, it was agreed that the reclassification of fire engine Lieutenants to Fire Captains would occur. All 29 engine officers are being reclassified,” said Pompano Beach Fire Chief John Jurgle.

Sworn has been with the City of Pompano Beach Fire & Rescue Department since 1985. Sworn is a graduate of Nova High School’s Class of 1973 and a former member of the Florida A & M University Marching 100, where he played baritone trumpet.

Sworn’s parents Samuel J. Sworn Jr., and Millicent Sworn were educators in the Broward County Public School’s System for over 30 years, which is probably where he developed a knack for helping people.

“I still like the idea of helping others in different situations. People don’t dial 911 usually unless it’s an emergency or something that they feel they can’t handle. Now a days because of the resources that our department receives from both the City of Pompano Beach and Broward County we are equipped to handle many different situations,” said Captain Sworn.

The 29 year veteran offered the following advice to a young man or woman considering a career as a firefighter.

“Part of becoming a firefighter requires a desire to want to be able to do a lot of different jobs. For a young person who wants to gain knowledge in a variety of areas and likes helping others-the payoff comes at the end. It takes a person with patience; the training can be grueling so you have to have a heart, a love for what you’re doing. It’s just like a fast break play in basketball-high speed and hard to do properly, but it’s great when you finally score a basket at the end of the play.”

Pompano Beach City Commissioner Woodrow “Woody” Poitier was with the City’s Fire Rescue for 23½ years. The former Paramedic Lieutenant Supervisor shared some of his experiences with Sworn when they both worked together at the fire station.

“Drake was my paramedic; he was thorough and did an excellent job. He’s been in the system long enough to know the ends and outs. Drake is a people’s person. He was Pittsburg Steelers fan and I liked the Miami Dolphins so we had our differences but, I feel he is a fine man.”

Sworn and his wife Yolanda reside in Pompano Beach. They are the proud parents of two sons and three daughters.


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