The Westside Gazette

Evolution of a Dictatorship

By John Johnson, II

The Founding Fathers sought to prevent our Nation from ever being ruled by a King or dictator. Thus, they established and codified in the Constitution three separate co-equal branches of government: the Legislative, Executive, and the Judicial. Notably, to this system of government, the highest power for managing the country resides with the people. Also, Congress, which is comprised of the Senate and House of Representatives, has the power to remove an unfit President from office.

Additionally, to strengthen Congress’ ability to remove a President who becomes mentally or physically incapacitated, the 25th Amendment was added.

With these checks and balances in place, how could our Nation’s democracy evolve into a dictatorship?

President Trump has managed to deploy a similar demonic plan, once utilized by the insane Hitler to kill Jews, to destroy our democracy. He has stoked the fears of people filled with hatred, demonized immigrants, attacked the free press, and filled the air waves with lies only a bigoted idiot could conceive. The 001 policy, “that a sitting President can’t be indicted,” makes as much sense as saying a “sitting President can’t die while in Office.”

Yet, the most cynical phase of Trump’s plan has been his ability to shackle the integrity of members of the Republican Party and to treat them like mindless ring barriers. Also, he appoints disingenuous governmental officials, and stacks the Courts, even the Supreme Court, with right-winged conservative Judges.

With the mindset as the Confederate South, Trump’s attempting to drive a wedge within the Nation that’s approaching divisiveness similar to that which led to the Civil War.

Sadly, even with Trump as President, the greatest threat    our democracy is when good people and congress stand idly by and do nothing. Merely sighing, “Woe’s our democracy,” or

Articles of Impeachment needs the people’s approval fuels Trump’s disrespect for the “Rule of Law,” and especially people of color.

Now we know, Hillary miscalculated when she attempted to voice the threat to our democracy by labeling Trump base as a “Basket of deplorable(s).” The basket is much larger. They fill stadiums, auditoriums and even roam the halls of Congress.

Trump exposes these deplorable(s) by their tolerance of his racists and bigoted statements/policies. Historical photographs will reveal how his racists’ rallies are reminiscent of White folks who once gathered to watch lynching after attending church.

Really America, “Who should be “locked-Up?” The chant that as a Country, “we’re better than this,” is sheer symbolism, just like the “American flag”. America has never become better through words alone. Plus, this same flag hung from the porch of every plantation for 400 years while Black people were held as slave.

Consequently, the flag is not held by Blacks’ with the same reverence as Trump and those who attend sporting events. The Nation’s flag didn’t bestow or guarantee justice in the past for Blacks and it doesn’t now.

Onlv an aspiring dictator would demand allegiance to himself and symbols, rather than to the country.








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