The Westside Gazette

Five steps you must follow to safely cast your VOTE.

James Hankins

Letter To Editor

By James J. Hankins       

1.Check to see if you are still registered (Democrats in Georgia, Texas and other states names were taken off the books to make sure Republicans win). 2. Check your polling place, dates and hours open. 3. Get a copy of your sample ballot. 4. If you do not know who to vote for, ask the most honest person you trust to help you. Write down your list and take it into the polling booth- you have that right. Remember you can’t use your cell phone to call anyone to ask who to vote for (no lifeline -smile).5. If any poll- worker(scrutineer) intimidates you, be cool, cast your vote, then call the election protection hotline—1-888-687-8683 and file a complaint. Please share this with family and friends because we need every vote to save ourselves and our “USA” from TRUMP and his cult!!!


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