The program was initially the brain-child of Principal Robinson. Mile Marker Academy has since made its way around the district, Piper H.S., Boyd Anderson H.S., Lauderhill sixth-12 and Plantation H.S. Mile Marker Academy provides students with rigorous academics, small group instruction, community resources, guidance and support systems, parental involvement opportunities, leadership responsibilities along with social and cultural benefits and support.
My goal for the seventh-grade students that I work with is for them to EXCEL. My passion for wanting to work with young Black males began many years ago as a Tutor, Substitute Teacher, Case Manager, Detention Screening Unit Supervisor, Mentor and Community Liaison. Despite the educational field being one of the lowest paid professions, I never shied away from what I’d like to think is, “my calling”.
Although I’m not a certified teacher, I’d like to think that I’m certified in knowledge and experience which is what I try and give to every student. Some of the students live in poverty stricken, low income neighborhoods which they closely identify with. I try to incorporate important key facts that the “hood” won’t teach them. Such things as having high expectations and setting goals for themselves. I’ve been looked at as setting the bar too high because they are seventh grade males, but the master class of becoming a respectable young Black male starts now.
The stigma from a statistical standpoint is that Black males are athletically built with no brains, killers, drug dealers, thieves and hustlers. I try to teach success and achievement in every field of human endeavor. Rightfully so, they may not have an idea of their career goals, but it is ok to be a Dreamer.
Learn to love key points of life and display positive behavior, responsibility, empathy and self-control. Respect is a major key point along with growth. Growth opens doors, adds value and gains respect. Good character, accountability, self-control, and leadership all convey a sense of admiration. I always stress the point of learning to identify those who are positive and have a willingness to build academic and social progress.
Most times I find myself daydreaming/brainstorming on best effective practices on how to motivate these young men. Most times I fail, other times I may have two-three listeners. Over the years I’ve learned that, you won’t reach everybody, but for those that do listen, they will always remember your stern yet encouraging words and for that I am not a failure; in fact I’ve succeeded.,
Lastly, I tell the young men daily to treat their education like American Express: never leave home without it. Don’t settle for being average; maximize your potential.