The Westside Gazette

From LLCs to a dog with fleas sometimes you just can’t shake the off

Trails in the Sand by Peter Traceit, the Street Detective

The Detective is paralyzed in the sand. While not much stunts the movement of Ol’ Peter, the dirt that has been dredged up this week has me scratching the filthy dandruff from my scalp.

While Broward Schools has been plagued for years with Grand Jury reports that expose the dirty dealings of its Board members, superintendents, and executive staff. Some of what Peter has uncovered this week wreaks of criminal intent.

Ol’ Peter has been combing through pages and pages of consultant agreements that do not meet the threshold of requiring Board approval. Consultant agreements under $50,000 can be executed without Board approval and in some instances, consultant agreements under $500,0000 can also be swept underneath the scrutiny of the watchful eye.

Interestingly, Carmen Jones’ of Pompano,  hopes of clenching the District 98 state House seat were stopped in quicksand by Patricia Hawkins-Williams. Jones has a $48,000 consultant agreement to provide community relations services and support to the district, yet no one The Detective knows, knows of any community relations and engagement efforts executed by Jones to warrant the equivalent of a teacher’s salary. What services is she providing and what community expertise does she bring from the community that is worth about 50K? How did Jones come on the radar of the district to provide these services as an individual that is not even connected to some sort of business organization or LLC that specializes in this sort of work? Ol’ Peter has some ideas and is digging up from the Land of Oz. The Street Detective is going to put a shovel in it and circle back.

Speaking of LLCs, the Detective is learning that some former employees may be hiding behind LLCs to continue collecting a BCPS paycheck all while on social media urging the public to vote for the Referendum because “our children are worth it”. The sand that’s been shoveled toward The Detective is that by providing the consultant agreement to an LLC, former employees can render pseudo-services through the LLC and be paid without their dirty fingerprints being detected. In essence, the LLC enters into a consultant agreement with the District, next it hires the former employer under the LLC to provide supposed services and then cuts a check to the former employee allowing them to continue bankrolling at the expense of the children they claim to support. And it’s not just the former employee in filthy cahoots to play these games, but Ol Peter Traceit is being told that this scam is being executed knowingly by District staff. Just as soon as Traceit digs up the name of the LLC and confirms that a certain former employee has been or is being paid under the LLC, the sands will fill the hourglass and exposers are sure to come.  Where there’s ROSes in the soil, there is bound to be dirt and Ol Peter will keep digging.

Christmas is three months away, but the soot I am learning about makes Santa’s suit look brand spanking new even after sliding down chimneys and delivering even the naughtiest a present. Street Detective Traceit is told that Cartwright still has a fan or two willing to advocate on her behalf, cleaning up her dusty trail of mired decisions and possibly violating professional ethics at best and breaking the law, at worst. Even after a Grand Jury report outlining a polluted culture of corruption, Board members suspended and removed from office and district executives forced to resign in lieu of being investigated, some staff members are still willing to throw their bodies into the fiery fray for Cartwright. It sorta reminds me of the comment made by 2015 Candidate Donald Trump, “I can shoot someone on New York’s Fifth Avenue and not lose any supporters” comment.

Traceit’s sources are telling that a particular District administrator who Cartwright direct appointed from a principal to a district level Director position has been reaching out to members of the Board in support of Super Cartwright. While supporting Cartwright is not a crime, hinting at or directly offering a quid pro quo might well be. This Director is said to have reached out to Board members for a conversation to solicit support for Cartwright. In that conversation, it is alleged that the Director offered support within the sphere of their influence with former professional athletes in exchange for the Board throwing Cartwright a lifeline. The Detective has surmised from sources that this Director is acting on a part of the quid pro quo provided by Super Cartwright when she direct appointed the principal to a district director.

Sources tell Traceit that while some District Staff may not have learned a lesson, Board members have. Director Swindler was halted in the sand tracks and warned that the choice of words could be considered solicitation or bribery. Super Cartwright was more than willing to cut off the oxygen of Jeff Moquin, Rob Morgan, and David Watkins, but will she respond similarly to an employee whose professional ethics are so low they border criminal… even if the intent is being done on her behalf.

It seems Cartwright con-tinues in her quest to dig a grave for herself with her big Pinocchio lies and fraternizing with people who just fell off a tomato truck. Traceit is told that from day 1 she has aligned herself with people who lack the competence and the right intentions to assist her in doing the job. She has allowed herself to be pulled in to exacting vendettas against people, which speaks to her character and makes a mockery of her, “Relationships, Respect and Grace” leadership theme.

The Super mounts a dead horse and rides with righteous conviction even though the stench of dead carcass permeates loud and clear. It is time to dismount… by force or by choice.

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