The Westside Gazette

Georgia needs pro-Black US Senator

Kevin Palmer

By Kevin Palmer

  Georgia Republican candidate for U.S. Senate Kelly Loeffler is a proud conservative. Conservatives are bad news for Black and racial equality-minded White residents.  A vote for Loeffler is like voting to erect a Confederate monument.

In his book, Black Labor, White Wealth, Dr. Claud Anderson stated, “White conservatives have always been anti-Black. They rigidly oppose any societal changes regarding race and resources. This places conservatives in direct opposition to and in conflict with Blacks. The core issue of white conservatives’ springs from race. They oppose government policies and programs that hint at the redistribution of public and private resources to benefit Blacks.”

In a Forsythe County news article, Loeffler was quoted as saying, “I know I have the strongest conservative record of anyone in my race.” This means Loeffler will ensure any pro-Black legislation does not breathe by voting against it. Therefore, time is up for politicians like Loeffler.

It is time for Georgians to move forward and unite behind Democratic candidate for U.S. Senate, Ed Tarver.

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