The Westside Gazette

Governor Scott maintains Florida did the right thing with election

Roger Caldwell

Governor Scott maintains Florida did the right thing with election

By Roger Caldwell

     All over the state, Floridians have sent angry emails from embarrassed and frustrated voters about the 2012 election process. They want an immediate election reform and correction to the monumental problems that existed in this election cycle. In response to Florida’s general election disaster, a coalition of voter-protection organizations, last week called for creation of an election reform task force.

    The League of Women Voters of Florida, AARP, National Congress of Black Women, Labor Council for Latin American Advancement, Florida Institute for Reform and Education, Florida Coalition on Black Civic Participation, Lawyers Committee For Civil Rights Under Law, South Florida Jobs with Justice, Florida Votes Count, Equality Florida, and the Hispanic Coalition held a press conference in Miami and Orlando simultaneously. At the two press conferences, they out-lined the many problems voters experienced during early voting and on Election Day.

    “{A week ago}, Florida voters saw the culmination of a general election process that can be summarized in one word: Unacceptable. We are formally calling on the governor and the Legislature to follow the example of 2000 and appoint a multi-partisan task force chaired by trusted leaders, said League of Women Voters of Florida President, Deirdre Macnab.        

    But it appears that Governor Scott experienced and saw a different electoral process in Florida in 2012. He agrees that in certain counties there were problems, but in the majority of the counties in Florida the process ran smoothly.

    “I have asked Secretary Detzner to meet most immediately with those election supervisors who experienced lines in excess of four hours and those who took several days to tabulate votes and report results. Florida’s election supervisors are experts in their fields and many of them demonstrated tremendous expertise in running their elections,” says Gov. Scott.

    It appears that the governor is refusing help to get his electoral house in order. Instead of listening and working with all the different voter organizations, he will ignore their recommendations and hand-pick his own team. By hand-picking his own team, he can control and ignore what is said about the process.

    Instead of training and planning for a successful electoral cycle, the governor was more concerned with suppressing the vote and fighting the court system over the election. Taking four days to count the ballots is inefficient management and a lack of preparation for the task at hand.

  After this voting debacle there is no way that Floridians should trust our governor and have confidence in his management skills and organization. Our governor has spent Florida taxpayer’s money on stopping President Obama, and now he will be forced to implement the Affordable Care Act.

    Governor Scott is operating with blinders on, and he is hurting Floridians. There is no way he can say that Florida election supervisors are experts when it takes four days to count the ballots. Governor Scott is an embarrassment to the state and again he proves why he is the most disliked governor in the country.     



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