The Westside Gazette

Hastings Calls for an End to Gun Violence on National Day to Demand Action

(Fort Lauderdale, FL) Today, Congressman Alcee L. Hastings (D-FL) issued the following statement on the National Day to Demand Action:

“Gun violence is a scourge on our community. Our nation’s policies on guns are no longer driven by common sense and reason, but instead by fierce ideologues. Over 3,000 Americans have died as a result of gun violence since the tragic shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown. How many more have to die before we do something about it?

“The idea that the Second Amendment guarantees unlimited and unfettered access to all guns, all of the time is ludicrous.

“The assault weapons used in Newtown and Aurora exist outside of traditional gun ownership. These weapons were designed solely for the purpose of killing as many people as possible as quickly as possible. They should only be in the hands of or sold to no one other than military and police officials.

“While there is no single cause or easy solution, we need to find common sense measures that can help to prevent as well as reduce the number of incidents and the severity of any attack.

“We can’t do everything to stop gun violence.  But, we have a moral responsibility to act, and we must do it now!”

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