The Westside Gazette

Henrietta Davis Honored with Social Justice Advocacy Award at Florida AKA Day at the Capitoll

Henrietta Davis

By Larcenia Turner-Dixon, Public Relations Chairman, Zeta Rho Omega Chapter, Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated®

     At Florida’s AKA Day at the Capitol, Henrietta Davis was honored with the Tiffany Moore Russell Leader Award Graduate Social Justice Advocacy by the South Atlantic Region of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated® .

This award recognizes her dedication and impact in advocating for the welfare of families and communities in Broward County. A Fort Lauderdale native, Davis, has been a beacon of hope and change in her community for over two decades. She currently serves as the President of the Sistrunk Historical Organization. Prior to leading the organization, she was vice president, and has been a board member for the past fifteen years.

Davis’s advocacy extends beyond her leadership roles, having also served on the Broward Citizens for Seniors board of directors. Her philosophy, “Get involved and be concerned about the community,” reflects her belief in the power of individual action to foster collective progress.

Her excitement upon winning the award, despite not being able to attend in person, underscores the humility and passion that drive her advocacy work. Davis received the award for meeting its criteria, which emphasizes engagement in social justice efforts such as voter registration, youth advocacy, education, and healthcare.

Henrietta Davis stands as a shining example of the impact dedicated individuals can have on their communities. Her recognition at Florida AKA Day at the Capitol serves not only as an acknowledgment of her past achievements but also as an inspiration for future generations of social justice advocates.


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