The Westside Gazette

“Holy Bat-Change Batman!”


By Don Valentine & Nicole Nutting

   He-Said: Wow D.C. comics changed the narrative on the popular icon comic “Batman & Robin”. On August 11th N.B.C. news and other outlets released that Robin is bi-sexual. I guess we know now how he garnered the moniker “Boy Wonder”!

Nicole, this is pandering to a new level. D.C. comics is trying to drive sales by changing his orientation. Now Robin’s sexual/bedroom behavior is open for discussion. Esteemed madam, how do you explain to little 6 y/o Johnny what “bi-sexual means?

   She-Said: Ha ha ha! This is exquisite trolling of the Religious Right! Michael Brown, op-ed contributor at the Christian Post, is totally aghast at the “agenda” being pushed by this disclosure. It wasn’t so long ago that Conservatives’ hair was on fire about Mr. Potato Head getting “Woke.” Also, let us not forget that the more racist Dr. Seuss stories are being buried, and somehow that was a calamity too. They’re getting played, Don, so relax and enjoy it!

He-Said: Come on lady you have to agree that the topic is a difficult reach! Little Johnny is still asking you “Mommy where do babies come from? Do you think a 7 y/o comic book reader is ready to digest that complicated concept “What is a bisexual mommy?”

These are real conversations parents will be having now. I think that it is a convoluted topic for 4-5-6-7-8-year-olds to have to grasp. Lord, help parents to explain to their child how this is interpreted in the bible.

The scripture says The Bible defines marriage in Genesis 2:24 as a union between one man and one woman. Jesus Christ upholds this definition of marriage in Matthew 19:5, as does the Apostle Paul in Ephesians 5:31. Any and all sexual activity which takes place outside of this context is treated as sinful, what Jesus calls ‘sexual immorality’ in Mark 7:21.

The Scriptures are, therefore, consistent in their prohibition of same-sex sexual activity, across different periods of salvation history and within different cultural settings. Although the Scriptures are clear on sexual ethics, they also tell us that the prospect of forgiveness and eternal life is held out for anyone who turns from sin and puts their faith in Christ (Mark 1:15), no matter how they may have fallen short of God’s design for sex and marriage.

She-Said: Oh for Pete’s sake. There are already numerous children’s books dealing with the topic. Now kids can get the information in a different format, that’s all. Do you think we should NOT teach children about the world and human behavior? How else are we gonna grow liberal minds!

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