House Democratic leader Perry Thurston: Florida Elections a top priority
By Staff Writer
Recently, House Democratic Leader Perry Thurston (D-Plantation) issued the following statement on Secretary of State Ken Detzner’s recommendations to improve Florida’s election laws. “I am pleased that serious conversations are starting in the Florida Legislature and executive agencies toward crafting necessary improvements to Florida’s election system and to restore voter confidence. Representative Janet Cruz and myself, along with other House Democratic Caucus members, are pleased to be working cordially with Republican legislative leadership toward cooperative solutions. Florida needs more voting days, more polling locations, and for those voting sites to be properly staffed and properly equipped. There are many election system improvements needed to ensure that everyone’s vote is counted, whether the vote is cast on Election Day, by mail or through early voting. I look forward to continuing a productive dialogue with Florida’s leaders on the priority of promoting and protecting our citizens’ right to vote.”