The Westside Gazette

How far have we come from our immigrant status?

A Message From The Publisher

‘Curse is anyone who withholds justice from the foreigner, the fatherless or widow.’ Then all the people shall say, ‘Amen!”

 By Bobby R. Henry, Sr.

      The Supreme Court on Tuesday has given Texas the approval to enforce a new state law authorizing police to arrest and detain people for illegally crossing the Mexico border.

This seems to be just in time as the current state of immigration policies and the present lack of humanitarian efforts and scant security in Haiti will force Haitians to flee from harm to be imprisoned in search for freedom.

Where can desired dialogue be found or even some respect as other migrants of a different skin color be had with tolerance, and just solutions?

With their lives in danger, why are Haitians facing blocks in their trials to enter Florida. The Haitians are legitimate refugees seeking shelter and shelter as human beings. The most sacred are placed in harm’s way. Children and babies are facing starvation while the essentials of water is of grave concern and women are being raped while the men are being slaughtered.

Where is the empathy and consideration offered to the welfare of Haitian people who accepted terrifying voyages at sea?

Life offers vicious circumstances for those who profess to want to be free. How far have we come from our  immigrant status?

The pill is that much more bitter to swallow when the, “land of the free and home of the brave”,  shores are barricaded by racism, bigotry and a false sense of acceptance.

We should know better, as it appears, our Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) has removed its blindfolds to not only peek at the accused but to offer no blind justice only to rule what seems to be by sight.

The SCOTUS rejected a request from Special Counsel, to conclude if former President Donald Trump could be brought up on criminal charges of his involvement to collaborate  reversing the outcome of the 2020 election. The justices were ask to act quickly, but the justices turned the request down.

How soon we forget that only three to four generations of our families were not born on this soil and had it not been for the right to vote-where would we be?

To those who believe that not voting has no consequences, we can’t wait to see what might happen by not voting when we are witnessing the gutting of our legal system designed to create equality because of voting.

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion mean all of us getting an opportunity to be a part of the discussion that gives us rights and a fair chance at this -what we call life. Now, without the voting public, means the public won’t include us.

I don’t know about you but I be damn if I’m going back to MAGA beliefs of what America meant to a bunch of slave holders!

So, to those of you who are standing on the fence about voting, PLEASE don’t let that fence be the apparatus that allows for your neck to fit preciously in the hangman’s noose.


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