The Westside Gazette

It’s time for Republicans to get real!

Frank Wilson


By W. Frank Wilson

What’s the market rate for a conscience, for human decency for doing what’s right even if it’s not popular?

Many Republicans obviously live in homes without mirrors because I find it hard to think they could look at themselves honestly and make the bad decisions they continue to make

Creating their own truth about January 6th, Gun Legislation and Donald Trump’s behaviors are just a few examples of how the values of this party have been lowered.

When Liz Cheney is ousted for standing up for being honest and Kevin McCarthy is elevated after showing himself to both dishonest and a coward, those actions speaks volumes about the lack of accountability in this new Trump era MAGA Republican Party

What will it take? One of their children being shot?

Truth has taken a backseat to conspiracy theories and racial extremist

Courage is up for sale and there are those who will do and say what ever needed to be said to remain in office  Long gone are the Statesman and sleazy politicians cover the landscape like slivering reptiles in the swamp they once spoke of draining

We must remember that all politics is local and elections have consequences Let me hasten to say that all Republicans don’t drink the MAGA Kool aid but their silence is as dangerous as their peer’s words.

Dr. King told us, we begin to die when we remain silent about things that matter.

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