The Westside Gazette

To all there is a lesson to be learned in every storm

A Message From Our Publisher

To all there is a lesson to be learned in every storm

He has told you, O man, what is good; And what does the Lord require of you But to do justice, to love kindness, And to walk humbly with your God? Micah 6:8 (NASB)

By Bobby R. Henry, Sr.

First of all I want to thank God for allowing us to still be here and to be able to communicate. That means that there are others here also and for that we are thankful. We pray for those who have lost loved ones and who are in what seems to be insurmountable predicaments. We pray for those who risk their lives trying to save others; we even pray for those who broke laws during this time of hardship (judge not that you be judge).

We have no control over the activities of the storm – we can only control how we respond.

Our response to the storm has been thank you dear God because we (ALL OF US) are still here.

The storms of life they come, they go, but God’s goodness last forever and ever and ever and ever.

As I write this column today I’m thankful to be able to put our words into print. After trying to figure out what to do to get our paper printed, we came up with a solution. Now it is put into action.

Even though we secured a way to get our paper to the printer, they are having difficulty themselves as only half of their building has electrical power, not enough to do the jobs that they have to do.

So you see, you may be ready and on the other side someone may not be. Before we got started today, we knew we had to pray and give thanks to God for all that he has done, is doing and will do.

We took a moment to try to understand what it means when we pray, “let thou will be done”. To feast upon those words, that verse in particular is a meal in itself that will feed a multitude of thousands and still have some left over.

It’s a complicated scripture to the nonbeliever, yet it is still so simple. We so readily say with ease as we pray with God “to let His will be done” and as it is being done we have a tendency to ask God to change his will.

Storms, storms in particular will cause us to immediately want to ratify God’s will.

While we were in our building with no electricity, other than what was generated from our generator, lightning struck the telephone pole right out in front of our building, causing it to splinter, knocking pieces to the ground as our design person Arriale was sitting on the steps 10 yards away, thank God she did not get stuck be neither the lightening or the pieces of wood.

I’m telling you God can do what He wants to do anytime He wants to do it and any how He wants to do.

It’s just so amazing how storms can create a renewed situation out of a torn down, busted up abandon field of dreams, but with God it becomes another MASTER’S piece.

I’m not going to finish this piece this week as we are pressed for time and its getting dark we have no lights. Please pray for one another as we go through the aftermath of this stone.

One thing we did realize is that we are plugged up to the true source of Energy, however our computers are not.

Dear God please give us the strength, courage and faith to accept Your will as it is done. In Jesus name, Amen.



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