The Westside Gazette

Local Tuskegee alumni host Women’s Basketball team and band

Tuskegee girls basketball Team and band members

Local Tuskegee alumni host Women’s Basketball team and band

Tuskgee girl’s basketball team and band members.

By Dr. Minnie Johnson

     The local Broward County Tuskegee Alumni hosted the university’s women’s basketball team and the school’s band after a narrow lost by the Tuskegee team to the University of Alabama-Huntsville who participated in a tournament at Nova Southeastern University. Some 50 attendees filed off two large buses for dinner and fellowship at the home of Dr. Minnie Johnson, one of Tuskegee’s graduates in Plantation, Fla.

            A contingency of local Tuskegeans joined the event to provide food, greetings and support to this happy group.  One student said it was great to not have to return to the hotel after the long day’s event but rather to be with a friendly crowd.  Students were impressed to meet professional graduates of Tuskegee, all with successful careers who could offer solid advice on how they made it. This event will be well remembered by both

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