The Westside Gazette

Luciana Gilmore: Cleveland High School Principal Sets Off On Global Journey To Heal Mothers And Daughters

LUCIANA-GILMORELuciana Gilmore: Cleveland High School Principal Sets Off On Global Journey To Heal Mothers And Daughters       

— Heal and Inspire the Girl, to Heal and Inspire and the World —

     CLEVELAND, OH ( — From the principal’s office to home office, entrepreneur Luciana Gilmore resigned from her prestigious position as a Cleveland, Ohio high school principal to launch Gilmore Girls Greetings!

Despite a passion for students and academics, Luciana was moved to resign from her principal position at one of the largest high schools in Cleveland to pursue her purpose. Reaching beyond the four walls of her high school, Luciana has now laser focused her time and energy on helping to inspire mother and daughter relationships all over the world. Not only has Luciana launched her own greeting card line, she has published the first of many books.

Her book, Daughter, Have I Told You Lately?, speaks to the importance of the mother daughter relationship and helps mothers learn how to affirm their daughters through loving and compassionate language. Luciana can be seen traveling state line to state line hosting and speaking at a series of events, all in hopes of inspiring mothers and daughters.

When asked, Luciana said her purpose is to, “Heal and inspire the girl, to heal and inspire the world.” Her purpose is evident through her greeting card line, her book, and the public awareness she brings to this cause and the urgency in which she encourages us all to heal. She wholeheartedly believes that if we address the bond between mothers and daughters, we inevitably are doing the work to change generational life cycles.

Coming from a background of numerous childhood scars, Luciana understands that mothers have the capacity to shape and change the trajectory of their daughters’ future. Luciana has big dreams for herself and for all the mothers and daughters she will encounter. Her energy is contagious, and she brings a sense of depth and personal connectivity to the cause. Her authenticity translates in the stories she shares about her childhood. She gives mothers that needed spark and confidence in knowing that they were especially chosen to mother their daughters, and that their presence is divine.


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