The Westside Gazette

Mail in sanctioned by Trump

By Don Valentine and Nicole Nutting

   He said: Pal, let me contribute another exhibute to remind you to get your vote in! Our current President has changed his position on mail

in voting in Florida and Arizona. Note: they happen to be “Red” states that he thinks will support him.  Nicole, why is he taking this posture? Please explain it to this man. You know I am as dumb as a wet dishrag!

In the other 48 states he argues that “absentee/mail” in voting will lead to a plethora fraud.  Nicole, explain that logic?

She said:  Honestly Don, I can’t decide if the guy is just dumb as soup, or if he thinks WE are! His unsophisticated ploy is something a 10-year-old would dream up, thinking he could fool the adults. It is so patently obvious that he’s trying to make sure his base, all those Republican seniors in swing states, can vote.

As an added bonus, Trump would be fine with Democrats risking death by Covid to vote in person. You do realize, don’t you, that he deliberately back-pedaled federal Covid response because the disease was initially confined to “Blue” states? Voter suppression is the least of his evil tricks. Covid is wiping out people:   Blacks Whites, Latinos and his neglect amounts to genocide. Our psychopath President should be indicted for crimes against humanity.

I saw a face mask that said, “I wear this so I can stay alive until Nov. 3”. At least you Floridians can vote safely!

He said: You and I write these pieces to motivate people to vote in 2020.

I so want to see the autocrat Putin understand you can “Pimp” Trump

The rest of America is not falling for it. Putin go kick rocks!


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