The Westside Gazette

Master’s Golf Tournament should be canceled

Kevin Palmer

By Kevin Palmer

The Bible says in First Timothy, chapter 6, verse 10, “For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil.” One such evil is refusing to cancel a golf tournament in the midst of a raging coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic.

With worldwide coronavirus infections increasing exponentially, millions quarantined, deaths increasing, global cancellations of sporting and entertainment events, economies crashing, panic spiraling out of control, it follows golf’s first major tournament should be canceled. Yet, it appears pride is leading Master’s golf tournament officials to believe the hallowed grounds of Augusta National are immune to the coronavirus pandemic.

It is time for the Augusta National Golf Club to act responsibly and place health above hype. Augusta, Georgia residents should not be put at risk by thousands of golf visitors who are potential coronavirus carriers which will only fuel an outbreak.

Because of the coronavirus pandemic, the tournament like no other is a tournament Augusta can do without.

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