The Westside Gazette

On the Scene with Crystal Chanel: Mid-Year Reflection

Mid-Year Reflection

2018 began with such promise ushering in an undeniable feeling that it would bring about relief, breakthrough, and revelation. For many of us, previous years seemed to be stressful, overbearing, and full of lack. All things considered, as a society, I think we focused in on a complete turn-around, collectively deciding to make 2018 our best year ever by committing to our new year resolutions. Accordingly, at this midyear junction, it is time to reflect on the past 6 months.

Personal development is a must for every progressive professional and entrepreneur. I chose writing as a method for personal development, and for this reason, I can never thank my readers enough for reading On The Scene faithfully. Reader feed-back is so motivating and encouraging as making time to write weekly can be a challenge. Nonetheless, writing has made me face my fears, embrace my accomplishments, adhere to strict deadlines, perfect my intended message, develop discipline and so much more. Reflect on what you have done in the last 6 months to ensure your personal development. Carefully consider what you are reading, watching and listening to and make positive adjustments.

Additionally, there should be a health component included in your resolution. Making declarations to eat healthy is easy but it’s the associated action that requires discipline. In Napoleon Hill’s Think And Grow Rich Hill, Hill addresses how lack of discipline can lead to ill health. “Self-discipline begins with the mastery of your thoughts.” If you don’t control what you think, you can’t control what you do. Simply [put], self-discipline enables you to think first and act in accordance afterwards. This means, actions that are aligned with your desires are a result of self-mastery. Understanding the value of self-mastery, revisit your health and body goals with a renewed mindset in order to finish out 2018 healthier.

Lastly, recap your resolutions that relate to your career goals. In my attempts to elevate professionally, I have learned to become comfortable with being uncomfortable. I have also learned that 1) you never who is watching you, 2) half of the battle simply involves you showing up and 3) being your authentic self can open doors and land you in rooms that may have seemed out of reach. The idea is to reach for the stars anyway. Dream Big. Speak things into existence, and always expect greatness.

In closing, let’s complete 2018 with the same energy we began with. Consider completing a 30 day mental fast with me. For the next 30 days, eliminate TV, radio, negative news and un-profitable associations. Replace those things with substantive reading, listening to empowering audios/podcasts, drinking more water, a consistent exercise routine and reflecting daily. I would love to include your experiences in future editions of On the Scene so keep me posted. Together we can hold each other accountable and finish out 2018 stronger than ever.

     Crystal Chanel Press Release Marketing, LLC Event Hosting – Marketing – Public Relations @PressReleaseLLC on Instagram


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