The Westside Gazette

Mr. Clean

Mr. Clean

By Bobby R. Henry, Sr.

     “And Jesus, moved with compassion, put forth his hand, and touched him, and saith unto him, I will; be thou clean.”  — Mark 1:41(KJV)

      As I reflect back on my growing up and the commercials that I used to laugh at and found so entertaining, I now can see how to get value from some of them.

There was one in particular that comes to mind here lately when I find myself stumbling along the path of “Walking Uprightly”.

As I was doing my daily meditations, thinking how our lives are filled with all kinds of dirty little things hidden in the cracks and crevasses of our being, I was wondering how in the world the stains caused by our actions in thought, word or deed could be removed.

The stains of lying, stealing, cheating and whatever other piles of dirt that might be hiding somewhere in the crevices of our polluted minds that have left residue and soiled deposits in our souls. How could we get rid of them and not be bothered by them anymore?

Like being caught in a dust storm, every part of our body, even though it has coverings, is exposed to the cruddy film that accumulates. Our wrongs seem to always come back to pile more dust and dirt on us, leaving us feeling dirtier than before. We become blinded by the veil of grime, unable to see our way out of our self-inflicted turmoil. The dirt just seems to stick and bite into our skin and the more we scratch at it, the worse it gets. It can even become infected, causing more problems.

What is the cure? What is the all-purpose cleansing solution? The greatest spot remover of all time, the one thing that dirt can never hide from – what is it?

Now here we are infected with sores caused by keeping an unclean environment, dirtier than all get out. Feeling worthless because we just can’t seem to get all of the muck and grunge off, it has even invaded our mind. “What cha gon’ do, when they come for you, bad boy, bad boy?  ”Who you gon’ call? Ghost busters won’t get it, and Clorox won’t whiten enough; even antibiotics will not disinfect you like God can. He is the Mr. Clean.

Oh yea, that commercial jingle went something like this: “Mr. Clean, Mr. Clean he’ll clean your whole house and everything that’s in it.” So when you have tried all of the other so-called cleaning agents like alcohol, dope and whatever else, try the proven Greatest Cleaner of them al. I guarantee you will never ever need another…

The old ancient saying “CLEANLINESS IS NEXT TO GODLINESS” holds weight after all.

Dear God, in the name of Jesus I thank You for your Word that sanctifies and cleans me. IN Jesus’ name, amen.




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