The Westside Gazette

We all need to pressure D.C. on stopping horrible Trumpcare

We all need to pressure D.C. on stopping horrible Trumpcare

Health insurance is more than a policy, it’s peace of mind. It’s knowing your family will be cared for and not having to worry about going broke when you get sick. That’s why I strongly oppose the Senate health care bill. The more I learn about it, the less I like. Robbing health care from millions of Americans to give yet another tax cut to the rich and powerful is just plain cruel. Our health care system needs to be improved—we all agree on that. But this bill would do exactly the opposite—for no other reason than greed. I urge Senator Rubio to vote No on the Senate health care bill.

This shameful bill contains horrible provisions such as taking away health care from 22 million people and an age tax that will let insurers charge older Americans five times more for their coverage than younger people are charged. It also cuts Medicaid—stripping health care from children and seniors—all to pay for massive tax cuts for the wealthy and insurance companies. That’s just wrong.

Yet Mr. Rubio plans to vote along party lines over citizens’ needs, simply disgusting behavior in light of nationwide 8 percent approval for this bill. Do what the people want, not what McConnell is demanding to please Trump’s desire for a win. The ACA is more popular than ever.  Fix the broken parts; don’t break it even more. Better yet, let’s join the rest of the civilized world and pass Medicare for All!

Thank you, John Conner

Pompano Beach, Fla.


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