The Westside Gazette

Open Letter to Senator Rubio

Open Letter to Senator Rubio

By Don Valentine

As the most prominent Senator from the 3rd most populous state in the union, can you take a stand to end the impending disaster of the Trump presidency?  Please use your influence with Vice President Pence to acknowledge that now and not later is the time to stop the incompetency of the current administration.

The increasingly erratic, narcissistic and reckless behavior of our current President will leave the United States in a very precarious situation.   Senator Rubio, it is incumbent on you to take a vocal, dramatic lead in getting the 25th amendment exercised on this President.

Once it is demonstrated that President Trump’s claims of being “wire-tapped” by President Obama are proven false you should dispatch Trump with all haste.  There is no way a former Harvard Law Constitutional Professor would not know the paradigm for such an action.  There would be ample documentation of the necessary court proceedings to lawfully initiate this action.  Days later the sitting president has not supported his early morning tweet. Moreover, I will propound that you don’t stumble into becoming the 1st Black President of the U.S. if you don’t cross every “T” and dot every “I”.  The political community has been waiting for years to catch President Obama in some form of malfeasance.

Senator Rubio, I’m just a humble scribe and reticent to comment on how you should perform your job.  In this particular instance I feel strongly that you need to represent the great state of Florida and demand the ouster of the current president. The 25th amendment of the Constitution allows for an analysis to determine if the president is fit to conduct his duties.  Vice President Pence would be a much more stable resolute national and global prism than President Trump.

Should any reader have further comments take advantage of your civil rights and contact Senator Rubio. He represents you and me.  Senator Rubio can only effectively do that by knowing our opinions. I don’t ask that you share my opinion, just voice your opinion! That is what makes America great.


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