The Westside Gazette

Paula Deen’s problems create a mess for suppliers and they may all come after her as well

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Paula Deen
Paula Deen

Paula Deen’s problems create a mess for suppliers and they may all come after her as well

By Malcolm Morrow

Paula Deen’s media woes are going to affect a lot of pockets in coming weeks, but the people that will be hardest hit will be the producers and suppliers of the goods that her brand is associated with.

Several major retail chains such as Wal-Mart (which is the largest in the world) Target, Home Depot, Sears, J.C. Penney and QVC have all agreed to stop carrying Deen sponsored products on their store shelves. This creates an entirely new problem for companies that create products that retailers are no longer going to be selling. What will they do with all of the merchandise that has been created and packaged with the Deen brand? How will all of the contracts be reconciled between suppliers and retailers? Will all of the legal ramifications fall upon Deen in the end because it was her actions that caused them to begin with?


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