The Westside Gazette

Politics, Poli-tricks and restoration

Bobby R. Henry, Sr.

Politics, Poli-tricks and restoration

There is an appointed time for everything. And there is a time for every event under heaven

                                                    — Ecclesiastes 3:1(NASB)

Bobby R. Henry, Sr.

      As a second generation publisher of a Black newspaper, I’ve seen and been a witness to how much of an emotional roller coaster ride it is in the fight for your readers; especially during the election periods.

I’m mindful of most of the tricks and the games that are played to entice you with mirages of fancies of political advertising gold pots.

A lot of the times these images are conjured up by the political consultants who represent the different candidates. They are manifested by scheming speculators and still some of your close business professionals seize this opportunity to invite you to a Skins game and in the end you wind up with a skinned behind.

It gets so bad that whatever trust level you thought you had with your political forces, you are now left to make sense of the fertilizers or play in the dung pile.

It is enough to make you sick and tired of the stuff created by these politicians, politrickians and the parasites that suck blood from honest people.

I must admit it can be hilarious and humiliating when you get all of these phone calls purporting  that “they” have arranged meetings with candidates in high places, that only want to meet with certain media people of influence. Now, you might as well tell me that you have invented an ice cream that will not melt on a red hot iron stove!

     I know I shouldn’t get angry, but most of us do not have the money to replace the embarrassment that comes when we get bamboozled into more trickery.

You can’t pay money for everything-especially restoration when you have placed your confidence in another human.

“26 Be angry, and yet do not sin; do not let the sun go down on your anger, 27 and do not give the devil an opportunity.”                      — Ephesians 4:26-27(NASB)

Yep, in this season of Politics, Politricks and restoration, it would be advisable that you visit your neighborhood sporting store and buy the best kneepads you can, because you will need them.

Those politicians who adhere to the policies of getting elected by: hook or crook, any means necessary or “whatever” it takes, will cling to their promises like holding air in the palm of your hands-mission impossible.

“It reminds me of the prodigal son. After his righteous livin. All the evil he had done. Yet when he returned his father received him home. Gave him a ring of gold put him on a robe. Killed the fatted calf gave him somethin he never ever had- Restoration.” Restoration Lyrics – Winans

Elections are only for a season, but your word lives long after you are gone.

“Bearing with one another, and forgiving each other, whoever has a complaint against anyone; just as the Lord forgave you, so also should you.”

— Colossians 3:13 (NASB)



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