The Westside Gazette

Professional Auto Racing in Miami Gardens could create a health hazard and a financial impact on homes

Dr. Phillip Wright, Ph.D.

 By Dr. P.L. Wright, PH.D.

We must not just consider the financial factor of those who would be the recipients. There are human lives and their communities to be considered as well as their properties. Let’s recall what our environment is experiencing currently due to some human greed and not considering the human factors. Let us stay focused on everybody involved, and what our priorities should be.

The question is whether or not Miami Gardens residents should approve a proposal allowing auto racing in the middle of their community for monetary gain, and what hazards or dangers could develop? Research done to approve the I-95 Noise Wall to be constructed in the past produced evidence of the non- existence of the emissions test approved by the EPA the State of Florida had in place,  showing scientific proof  of developing dangers to the environment.  The EPA monitoring and testing of the past is no longer active.

The canceling of the auto emissions testing to monitor the output of gas fumes, and other chemical contaminants could be a cause and effect for the environment changes that we are experiencing today everywhere in 2019. The evidence of what kind of danger could be created from auto racing in the middle of Miami Gardens community is evident from past research. The research shows   that it could create a health hazard to residents breathing as some of those residents who lived in the proximity of the I-95 expressway before the I-95 Noise Wall was constructed.

It had created a financial liability and a health hazard that could be considered a danger to some of the residents breathing from smelling the chemicals, and gas fumes and other contaminants which also caused destruction to some parts of their homes as well. This is what could possibly happen to the Miami Gardens residents and their community if the Professional Racing is approved by our Dade county commissioners. The impact could be overwhelming and devastating to the entire community as well as the financial losses to homes due to the chemicals and gas fumes destroying parts of the homes. The human health hazards from the I-95 Noise Wall construction in the past has not been legally financially recovered yet for over 16 years, even though there were many jobs created in the construction process. The approval to have Professional auto racing in the middle surrounding communities of Miami Gardens area could also impact the human health factors and Impact and create an economic disaster to the entire communities and their homes too.

Thank you for your input my Biblical Spiritual Advisor Ms. S. W. Lee

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