The Westside Gazette

Racists and house Negroes appeal to rioters

Kevin Palmer

By Kevin Palmer

In America, Blacks have two enemies, racists and Blacks who behave like house Negroes. Recent reminders are the death of George Floyd and the demonstrations which followed.

A racist cop, Derek Chauvin, used his knee to crush the neck and kill African American George Floyd. The next day a peaceful demonstration erupted into a riot. Similar demonstrations and riots erupted in cities across America, including Atlanta, Georgia. White officials began to make the riots about the rioters, not about the death of George Floyd, followed by sellout Blacks who repeated the racist narrative.

Commenting on Fox News, white Judge Kenneth Starr said, “The demonstrators should follow the peaceful example of Martin Luther King, Jr.” Starr failed to mention MLK’s peaceful example did not deter a racist assassin from ending his life. Echoing Starr’s white hypocrisy narrative was Atlanta’s Black Mayor Keisha Lance-Bottoms.

White supremacist America, and its house Negro behaving servants, are more concerned with maintaining the status quo, then seeking justice for assaulted or murdered Black folk.


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