The Westside Gazette

Saving America from Institutionalized Racism

Dr. Phillip Wright, Ph.D.

By Dr. P. L. Wright Ph.D.

   This story is written from reflecting on memories of the past of family and friends of whom I had known for years who have been murdered by an average citizen and by some Police officers without accountability. Some Police officers may not be able to make a quick psychological sound judgement in a serious Police shooting of an allege suspect. Our Police officers must have more extensive and proven training to be place on r streets to protect the public while wearing their sidearms. They must also have better psychological and Race Sensitivity training to deal with the general public for safety. The Police  Blue Code of silence should end just as the silence in the Black community should end when there is an alleged criminal suspect among them and cannot be caught to be held accountable for their criminal activities in our communities. Someone would have to turn them in to the Police without the fear of repercussion by the criminals. How can we stop this killing of innocent Black men and women and Police officers too, if Police are not held accountable as the ordinary citizens are? We must search out the criminal Police officers and get rid of them. We have many honest Police with integrity in their professions to serve and protect the public.

We as the citizens must also demand that our U. S. congress men and women must act immediately on modifying unfair sections of the United States constitution that is still being practiced but being hidden in our society. America has to replace those unfair and injustice sections of the U S. constitution that are still deeming Black Americans as Property, and can be legally oppressed by our legal system in America. We should remove any type of oppressed sections of the United States constitution immediately from our lawbooks that we are still harboring and using. One law is referenced to “the Jim Crow Law.” Bringing attention and a reminder of the many black men and women over decades who have been killed by Police and nothing has been done legally to administer fair, and equal justice without hidden racism attached. This other America for Blacks and some others must be combined with the other America and carry out by our law enforcers on the streets and in our court system of laws too. It has to be done for all American citizens. These long time unfair and unequal justice with racism has created what we now know as the creation of the organization called, Black Lives Matter. Establishing that  Black Lives should no longer be considered as Property anymore, to some of the possible slave masters offspring who may be currently holding positions in our United States Official Government and other controlling positions with unfair legal judgements. This is being done when those in charge with controlling positions are Participating or conducting and administering unfair justice in American court cases. Some of those who are in charge are possibly some of our Prosecutors, Police officers attorneys, investigators, including, maybe some judges.

Our congressmen and women must begin to create serious and strict laws to prevent the violation of newly created institutionalized racism laws, and to hold those violators accountable accordingly to the highest degree of the law. Whomever refuse to respect and adhere to the laws to prevent legal Institutionalized racism must be held accountable for their actions. We must end legalized racism, discrimination, bigotry, and the injustices and unfair treatment of African American citizens who are also called Blacks, and many others who are also oppressed too in America. Many of those who are being oppressed are honest citizens with integrity.

The time has long passed to heal Americas’ illegal practice of Institutionalized Racism. There should only be but One America to serve all of the citizens of the United States of America.


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