The Westside Gazette

Seasons of Life

Melanated Glow

(Photo Credit:

By Melanated Glow

We experience life in cycles. Something is always being born, growing, and dying. Not only does our physical body experience this, but also every single part of our body has a life cycle. Our cells regenerate every seven to 10 years, we get new plasma within 48 hours and new blood within four to eight weeks when giving blood, and we have new bones every 10 years. We are naturally made to live life in seasons where everything has its appointed time. This is the reason some say that there is “no such thing as time.” These people view time as a man-made construct designed to set a universally expected “time” for everyone to accomplish the same task without taking that person’s personal genetics and ability into consideration.

An example of this is the school system. As an educator, I know that all children are not going to be able to grasp every concept in the time constraint they are given. In the beginning of my teaching journey, I did not know this. I thought every child would be able to understand everything if only I found a different way to present it. Although I do believe that every child can understand all fundamental math concepts, I know that every child cannot grasp every concept in the time that is designed for mastery. Some students don’t give up and try until they fully understand while others realize that we have moved on to something new that they should focus their attention on. Each child is different, with a different set of DNA coding, and with varying natural abilities. Some children are genetically engineered to excel at some things over others. They need their individual season to fully process what is presented to them that is based on who they are.

Every natural thing has its season. I am fascinated with the Plant Kingdom, not only because they are what give me my daily nutrition, but also because growing them has taught me so much. I consider them my teacher as they have taught me so much about myself and life. In those lessons I’ve learned seasons. When I started my gardening journey, I just put seeds in the dirt. I didn’t concern myself with the quality of the soil or the time in which I planted the seeds. I also watered all my plants the same. I expected them all to produce for me, but a lot of them died. What I came to realize is that each plant has its unique needs. Some characteristics were familial where all plants in the same family required the same amount of water for instance. Some characteristics and properties were individual to the plant. Also, each plant has its optimal time for each phase of its life. Each plant expects a certain condition in order to survive or thrive. Each plant has its season.

After I learned more about each plant’s needs and season, I was able to get better results with my gardening. Sometimes we are so plugged into being a model participant of this system that we don’t take the time to apply what we know to ourselves. Sometimes we can be hard on ourselves, wondering why we haven’t accomplished things that others have. Sometimes we think things are truly wrong with us because we are on some else’s season and timeline. Sometimes our children consider themselves failures because they are coded differently from their peers that they compare themselves to.

When we understand our seasons, ourselves, and our individual cycles, we can begin to align with the ebbs and flows of life that much better. When we can get our mental state out of comparison mode, we can truly analyze our strengths and weaknesses for who we are. We are made to operate in seasons and since we are all so different, there is no way we are designed to achieve the exact same anything in this life. Be kinder to yourself! Where are you in your season?

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