The Westside Gazette

Several states take a fresh approach on teacher training

SEVERAL-STATES-TAKE-A-FRESHSeveral states take a fresh approach on teacher training

      Multiple states in the U.S. are implementing efforts to ensure that students, regardless of their income level, ethnicity or race, are provided with quality teachers. In short, they are eliminating all of the factors that seem to affect education.

Arne Duncan, the United States Secretary of Education, said that it is critical for the parents to understand that strong teaching is paramount for creating opportunities for the students. Duncan added that the U.S. must make quality education a right to all the families without considering their first language, wealth, zip code, origin, ethnicity or race.

The Department of Education, in October 2015, stated that the District of Columbia and 33 states have department-approved plans to see to it that learners have access to excellent teachers.

There is a program entitled, “Professional Pathways for Alabama Teachers” in Alabama that aims at seeking career development opportunities for its teachers. This pilot program will support and attract new educators while improving the retention and recognition of the service of the teachers that have been effective.

Michigan has a similar program called the “Michigan Teacher Corps.” It aims at attracting and retaining experienced teachers in the lowest-performing schools in Michigan. The priority goes to the schools that serve Black students and low-income families.

In Maryland’s Howard County, the local school district has come together with the McDaniel College to form the “Teachers for Tomorrow” initiative. The initiative is meant to provide country learners with four years of paid internships.

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