The Westside Gazette

Supreme Court Nominee Choice?

 By Don Valentine and Nicole Nutting

      He said: Pal, I am flat out annoyed that the Senator McConnell sycophants would have the nerve to make that play on the replacement SCOTUS chair.

     Institutional Racism comes in many, many layers! The Black President had 237 days [8 months] prior to the next election. The Senate blocked Obama’s nominee to the court to wait for the public vote on the President.

The White President has 45 days [1.5 months] till the election. They may have a SCOTUS nominee by Thursday. What the heck Nicole? Is that fair?

     She said: Wow, you make a great point that hadn’t occurred to me yet. I was viewing this ploy as simply the usual Republican trickery and hypocrisy, but DUH! Sticking it to “that Black guy” last time had to be the most fun part for them, aside from “owning the libs” in general.  The whole thing stinks, any way you look at it.

Now that bonehead Trump thinks he can get Brownie points with the voters by nominating another female, but his choice will never be the equivalent of the “Notorious RBG”. In fact, any female judge he taps will probably do her best to shred the gains Ginsberg made in women’s’ rights. Goodbye Roe v Wade?

     He said: Let me lay out a clever plan to get a SCOTUS candidate in 45 days. Pull a Black female off the judicial bench! Now you have no arguments and you put a “band-aid” on the racial issues for the country.

She said: Oh please, don’t give them a good idea! Anyway, it just isn’t in Trump’s DNA to elevate a Black woman. He wants another racist misogynist judge, and yes, there are woman-hating females!

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