The Westside Gazette


Gantt Report

By Lucius Gantt

      Corona, Corona please go away and do not come back another day!

The COVID 19 virus has had a devastating impact on the United States and on the world. Sheltering in place, washing hands, cleaning and disinfecting homes and wearing masks are things that we all should do to win the battle of the virus war.

I’m pretty much a homebody. Staying at home doesn’t bother me as much as it bothers some of my friends. Nowadays, if it ain’t about the money, I pretty much stay at home. I read, I write, I listen to some jazz, blues, R&B and some Afrobeat and I watch a little TV or I pop in a DVD every now and then.

Once in a while, I even go and play with my favorite cat!

Most cats love the national lock down that’s taking place. They think more time together will result in more intimacy and possibly more romance time to cuddle and grind.

We still need to be careful. Chasing cats, snakes and other things under bedroom sheets, on counter tops, in shower stalls and on blankets in back yards can be fun and deadly at the same time.

You see, the virus doesn’t care who you are, what your race is, what your gender is, how much or how little money you have or what your sexual orientation is. The virus doesn’t care through which orifice it uses to enter your body.

I imagine it’s hard to hit the cat when the cat has a mask on, gloves on and is wearing Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).

Instead of choosing to chase, choose life!

If you have symptoms like a high body temperature, inability to smell or taste, sneezing, coughing  and difficulty in breathing, contact your doctor immediately so your doctor can determine if you need to be tested for the COVID 19 virus.

Just be-cause you and your feline can spend more time together than ever before, don’t try to beat the cat up and don’t try to eat it up!

Spend together time trying to get to know each other better. Try cooking together, cleaning together, praying together and working together.

Your cat isn’t going any-where. You and your cat may have lost your jobs in the imposed lock downs. And, your side cat could be asymptomatic and have the grim reaper virus and not even look or feel like it.

At least for the time being, only eat your cat food at home and only share your catnip with your house cat.

Seriously, COVID 19 is a killer! I know two people in Atlanta that have taken their final journey to the Land of the Plenty after catching the deadly respiratory virus.

When I have to go to the grocer or the pharmacy, every customer looks like a robber or an outlaw because they have on face masks but it’s cool because the masks prevent them from coughing on me.

Be safe and take care of yourself and your loved ones. After we win the virus war we will go back to the battle for equal rights and justice.

And, perhaps we will continue to write about the devil in the White House and how his evil ways has made our lives more and more dangerous!


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