The Westside Gazette

The end is near: An auction of assets is set for Morris Brown College

Morris Brown College

The end is near: An auction of assets is set for Morris Brown College

Reputable HBCU Morris Brown College faces foreclosure.

    An auction of assets is set for Morris Brown College on Tuesday, Sept. 4, 2012. Officials said the college is facing the foreclosure action after investors called $13 million worth of bonds tied to the college. The institution is one of the oldest historically Black colleges in the nation. Its current enrollment has dropped to 50 students. In its history, the university had over 3,000 students.

    Former Atlanta City Councilman and Morris Brown graduate Derrick Boazman called the development “heartbreaking.” Benjamin Harrison, a spokesman for the 6th District of African Methodist Episcopal Church, the force overseeing the school, said officials will talk about reorganizing and restructuring. The school is planning a prayer vigil Saturday.

    As an alum of the Atlanta University Center (AUC)- Clark Atlanta University specifically- it is devastating to watch a university that held a respectable reputation throughout the AUC and the world, crumble to mismanagement of finances and egos. I hope for the sake of my colleagues who passionately love their alma mater and planned to see their children carry on the legacy of matriculating there that the college will find its way back to the love, innovation, and inspiration that they once cultivated.


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